[AUDIO RECORDING BEGINS] [DANIEL STARTS SPEAKING.] I am.. in Kansas, I think? I don't know, I'm in the middle of nowhere, it's 6:36 A.M. and I don't have any service. I was kidnapped from my home in California, all I can see are fields of wheat and flat land. There are literally no mountains, no hills, it's like a Minecraft flatland, or that one Gmod map. It's surreal. But uh.. I'mma get sentimental for a bit here. [DANIEL PAUSES FOR 12 SECONDS.] I would like to say, I love my family. If this is the last audio recording that is ever out there of.. of me, I want to make it known that I love my girlfriend. I hope you are all able to survive without me. Make sure to play some jazz at my funeral. [DANIEL CHUCKLES.] I see a white unmarked van headed my direction. Oh shit. Oh shit. No, no, no, no, no, no. [DANIEL BEGINS SCREAMING] Hey! What're you guys doing! Let me go! Help! [3 POPS. DANIEL CANNOT BE HEARD.] [UNKNOWN VOICE #1.] What the hell? There's an iPhone... 12? Recording us. [UNKNOWN VOICE #2.] Keep the recording. Make sure they know Donut did this. [UNKNOWN VOICE #1 LAUGHS.] Alright. Fuck you! [AUDIO RECORDING ENDS]