please LYRICS

please isnt a pleasing place to delve into its a 
god damned hell its a terrible 	organelle
been nasty on my mental health just like a 
certain relationship we dont discuss, hell


made the server, 6 lads entered
"donut is this a good place to bask in?"
buddy do you even know who you're askin?
had some good intentions it was for the best but, you see

time really put the theory to the test
turned it into wine with some burning flesh
sick of tired, this raccoon be munching on my racks
just know their names sound similar with bozo gland you bunch of trash

with their bland jokes and stale humor
you uninspired folks and failed tumors
you wastes of space started the trend of the easiness
of being a toxic piece of trash in please (yeah)

made my mental state spiral downwards
by a whole gang of loser pedophile cowards
lead to a state of constant never ending dread
i was unhappy with the knowledge that i owned this burning mess

and the constant viewing of assaults
constantly the loss of supp ort and bearin of alts just to 
survive the faults of dumb mods
in this horrible hell-hole we once called home